system and help prevent bugs from spreading?
Start with going to bed a little earlier to allow the body time to
rest and recover. Even ten minutes of breathing instead of TV can make
a difference to allow the body and mind to unwind.
Eat warming foods following the Autumnal colours of the season: deep
oranges and spicy yellows. Try veggie soups and start to limit raw and
cold foods which are harder for the body to digest.
Take up a regular, relaxed exercise routine to keep the circulation
moving and help your organs and systems to fight infection -- swimming
or walking or yoga or qi gong.
Drink warm drinks and herbal teas -- try our SerendipiTea or Nurturing
Soother to give your immune system and digestive system a break.
Have a relaxing massage with warming essential oils to release built
up tensions and remove blockages to health.
Check your vitamin and mineral intake. Especially magnesium, zinc and
vitamin C which stays in the body for 2 hours.
See your pharmacist or doctor for homepathic remedies or herbs to help
strengthen your systems.
But most of all take pleasure in the changing season. Put on your
woolies and breathe in the crisp fresh air. Notice the changes of the
coming season and embrace them fully. Be as one with life. Breathe.