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Sunday, May 3, 2009

Fresh Start to the Day

Why not add a new calming routine to your morning rituals?  Before getting out of bed, take a moment to focus on your breath, breathing deep into the belly, seeing yourself filled with morning sunlight (especially effective on a grey, rainy day), exhaling out any sleepiness and exhaustion.

Take a full deep stretch (from the tips of your toes to the ends of your finger-tips) and open the mouth in a wide "O" as you yawn, drawing in oxygen to reach every part of your being.  

See your day filled with light (especially those areas where you might have been worried or anxious or stressed), roll over onto your side like a baby, gently using your opposite hand to push up to a seated position. Take another expanding breath and reach up to standing, pointing the hands towards the sky.  

Retain your sense of balance as you start a beautiful, aligned day!