EN | FR | NL

Friday, June 5, 2009

More info about the opening of our Yoga Studio

Many of you have been asking us about the opening of our Yoga Studio
and how it will work.

We are excited to announce that we will officially open on September
16th 2009. This Summer though we will already launch a number of
longer and shorter Yoga courses on different themes. We are in the
process of developing our Summer programme and will shortly send out
details of the classes available.

As is the case with Serendip Spa, we have sought out individuals who
are highly trained in yoga, committed to their path and passionate
about sharing their learnings with others.

Our classes are inclusive and so open to anyone of any level in
English or French, with teachers often speaking other languages such
as Flemish, German and Italian.

Watch this space for more news...
