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Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Happy Earth Day!

Today is Earth Day -- the day to think about our footprint on the Earth and the effect of our decisions and actions.  Certain Native American tribes hold that each decision taken must take into account the 7 generations to come...what would the Earth look  like if we all still thought this way?  At Serendip Spa we try to minimise our footprint wherever possible and work with partners with a similar philosophy...for example, using recycled glass and fibres for our Balinese massage and bath oils (try the yummy Rose Geranium for Mother's Day), only using natural and organic products that do not pollute you or the Earth, printing on recycled paper, printing only where necessary...  

Of course there is always more that we can do and so we are working on developing a stronger environmental plan as a part of your overall Serendip Spa experience...watch this space for more news as we put more and more eco-decisions in place!  Have a Happy Earth Day!