The power of the breath is an amazing tool always at your disposal, no matter where you are. In moments of stress and even emergency, focusing on inhaling and exhaling calms the nervous system, prevents shock, is a pain reliever and helps focus the mind so that the body can do what it needs to. So next time you feel stressed opening your email, getting a nasty bill, tripping in the rain or having a difficult encounter, try this exercise that we use at Serendip Spa:
Exhale out all the air from your belly and consciously inhale filling up the stomach like a balloon. Continue exhaling and inhaling, trying to lengthen each breath. As you exhale start to see all the stresses, worries, anxieties leaving the body. As you inhale, allow yourself to be replenished with oxygen, with light and with unconditional love.
Repeat as often as you remember...